King's Corner

It's been said that anyone who dreams of catching king salmon on a fly rod is insane. Well, count us among the crazy! Over the past several seasons, the interest in catching (and landing) Alaskan king salmon on a fly rod has grown dramatically. And why not? It is the ultimate freshwater challenge. But this challenge also requires special equipment, knowledge, and stamina to accomplish. And the Alaska fly fishing patterns you need are a big step up from the ordinary salmon fly. Kings demand heavy-duty salmon hooks with razor-sharp points. The fly pattern must be heavily weighted to get down where these behemoths lurk. And pattern color can be important. We are pleased to offer the most complete and best selection of king salmon fly patterns available anywhere on the planet. Most of these flies are weighted heavily enough to be fished on conventional spin gear as well as the standard 9-, 10-, and 11-weight salmon fly rods. Hands down, the best and most complete selection of king salmon fly patterns available anywhere in the world. We are the number one supplier.

Product Image Name Price
Starlight Leech (aka Starlite Leech)

Starlight Leech (aka Starlite Leech)

This pattern is much like the Lead-Eye Egg Leech, but with a bit more flash. It is used in the same manner, jigged or on a dead drift in deep holes or pockets where the big boys hide. Great pattern for king salmon, silver salmon, and steelhead. Weighted with heavy lead barbell eyes. Tiemco 5263 hook. Size: 2. Colors: Purple, Red Head, Green Head, Pink, White/Pink Head.
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Sparse King 2

Sparse King 2

Looking like a modern-day Clouser, this small green fly is ideal in skinny water for kings, chum, and silvers. When salmon get lock-jaw, this is one to try. Excellent pattern just off the salt and works great on Kodiak silvers. Barbell eyes for weight. Tied on a 2x strong size 4 nymph hook.
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Salmon Twitching Jigs, Heavy Wire, 3/0 size Owner Hook (NEW)

Salmon Twitching Jigs, Heavy Wire, 3/0 size Owner Hook (NEW)

These are our heavy-duty Salmon Twitching Jigs. Made on a heavy wire Owner 5313 salmon jig hook, these will handle the biggest king, chum, and silver salmon. 3/8 oz. lead head in hot pink/white, chartreuse/white, or pink/chartreuse. A premium jig. Size 3/0.
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Salmon Twitching Jig, Marabou

Salmon Twitching Jig, Marabou

From Puget Sound to the rivers of Alaska, twitching jigs are by far the hottest technique used by non-fly fishermen for big salmon. Twitching a jumbo (3/8 ounce) jig can trigger aggressive responses from salmon, especially silver/coho. This technique is deadly in slower holding areas and tidewater. And with 3/8 oz., there's enough weight to get to the deepest holding pools on any river, even the Kenai. Just be careful swinging these. Last season, these 3/8 oz. jigs were the top "fly" pattern on the Kenai and surrounding waters. And we have the best price on planet Earth. Order early, as these go fast. Demand outstripped supply last season. Size: 1/0 hook, 3/8 ounce. Colors: Hot Pink/White, Chartreuse/White, Tutti Frutti (Pink/Chartreuse)
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Ron's King Egg Special

Ron's King Egg Special

A "magnum" egg pattern designed for bouncing along the bottom through deep holes on an extra-fast sinking or lead core fly line. A favorite for silver salmon, big rainbows, and king salmon. Silver flash-a-bou and marabou tail, Glo Bug® yarn body, and a .035 lead weighted front end. Super sharp Daiichi 2546 saltwater hook. Size: 2/0. Colors (marabou tail/body yarn): White/Fl. Flame, Fl. Pink/Fl. Chartreuse, White/Steelhead Orange, Purple/Champagne.
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Magnum Dolly Llama - Size 2/0 (NEW)

Magnum Dolly Llama - Size 2/0 (NEW)

The hottest new fly pattern in Alaska today for giant Rainbow, Steelhead, King, Chum, and Silver/Coho salmon. Very heavy, magnum-sized, eyed cone head, strong, sharp hook. The swirling, articulated action of the Dolly Llama elicits powerful strikes from salmon and trout. We use a size 2/0 Gamakatsu #02412 Intruder hook because that's what you'll need for Alaska's giant rainbow and salmon. These hooks have a 1/2-inch gape so they are not legal on "fly-fishing-only" waters. Articulation comes from the "string". We use 50 lb. SpiderWire for its strength and abrasion resistance. The doubled strand gives an effective weight limit to 75 lbs. No one beats our quality, and they won't tell you what hook they use. We offer most of the same colors as for our standard Dolly Llama (see that listing for colors). Olive/White and Black/White imitate the Arctic lamprey eel, a giant rainbow favorite snack that invades coastal Alaskan rivers such as the Naknek, Alagnak, Kvichak, Nushagak, and Kenai. Salmon love the bright colors and flash. Use chartreuse near the salt, on the Kenai, and in gin clear rivers. Pink and Fuchsia are favorites of King, Chum, and Silvers. As for kings, the old saying is: "dark fly for a dark day, bright fly for a bright day". We suggest black/blue or purple/black for the dark fly and chartreuse/blue and pink/orange for the light fly. Silvers on the Kenai have been going for chartreuse/white and Tutti Frutti. Here's a hint: slip a size 8mm bead egg onto the leader and turn any Dolly Llama into an instant "Egg Sucker". Due to expected demand, quantities may be limited. Order now while our stock bins are full. Size: 2/0. Colors: Black/Blue, Fuchsia/White, Pink/Orange, Purple/Black, Black/White, Chartreuse/Fl. Blue, Chartreuse/White, Olive/White, Pink/Chartreuse (aka Tutti Frutti), Pink/Purple, Pink/White.
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King Salmon Bunny Fly (AKA Hareball Leech)

King Salmon Bunny Fly (AKA Hareball Leech)

A magnum bunny strip pattern for kings, silvers, chum, and steelhead. Highly visible pattern even under high water conditions. Weighted with .035 lead wire on a Daiichi 2441 salmon hook. Size: 1/0, 2/0. Colors: Fl. Green Chartreuse, Fl. Yellow Chartreuse, Fl. Fuchsia, Hot Orange, Fl. Hot Pink.
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King P.F. Salmon

King P.F. Salmon

This is the same pattern as in our P.F. Salmon Series, but with a few upgrades. The bead chain eyes have been replaced with nickel-plated lead barbell eyes and the hook has been upgraded to a 1/0 or 2/0 Daiichi 2441 salmon hook. An excellent choice for kings, silvers, chum, and steelhead. Chartreuse recommended in low or clear water conditions. Sizes: 1/0, 2/0. Colors: Fl. Fuchsia, Fl. Chartreuse, Hot Orange, Original Pink.
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King Killers

King Killers

We've tied this secret king salmon and sockeye pattern for several Bristol Bay lodges for years. Weighted, sparsely tied, gold mylar tubing and a splash of hackle color make this pattern perfect for jigging, or for use in clear or shallow waters. 1X strong Daiichi 1750 hook. Size: 4. Colors: Lime Green, Red.
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King Floozy

King Floozy

Weighing more than ¼ oz. (7g), this is the fly you need to dredge the depths of that secret king salmon hole. Lots of silver holographic flash and strike-provoking color. Extra large lead eyes and .035 lead wire under the body make this the heaviest King Salmon fly available. Hit them on the nose with a King Floozy and hang on tight! Extra strong, wicked sharp, stainless steel series 812 saltwater hook. Size: 4/0. Colors: Hot Pink or Chartreuse Green.
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King Comet

King Comet

Quick sinking pattern best used in fast or deep water. This fly gets down through the water column in a hurry. Nickel-plated lead barbell eyes give this comet its heft. Use chartreuse in clear or low-water conditions. Excellent pattern for large steelhead, and silver salmon as well. Daiichi 2441 salmon hook. Sizes: 1/0, 2/0. Colors: Black, Orange, Chartreuse.
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Karluk Flash Fly (New Color)

Karluk Flash Fly (New Color)

One of the best flies for silver salmon. Period. Also excellent for king, chum, pinks, sockeye, and steelhead. Flash-a-bou overwing on a stainless steel Daiichi 2546 saltwater hook (sizes 1, 1/0, and 2/0) and weighted with 0.035 lead wire. Deadly fly pattern in fresh and saltwater. Salmon will smash this fly! Not all colors are shown, but they are available. Silver/Red has the orange underwing. Sizes: 1, 1/0, 2/0. Colors: Silver/Red, Silver/Orange, Silver/Pink, Purple/Purple, Cranberry Red, Blue, Green, Fuchsia (New).
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Frank's Fly

Frank's Fly

A variation of the Polar Shrimp, this pattern is fished on a dead drift along the bottom. Very effective fly for king and silver salmon, and steelhead in streams on Kodiak Island. Unweighted on a gold Eagle Claw 1197G hook. Counter-wound with gold wire for durability. Color plate is off a bit. The fly is fluorescent orange with white. Size: 2.
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Fat Freddy (AKA Fat Freddie)

Fat Freddy (AKA Fat Freddie)

An unweighted alternate egg pattern to Ron's King Egg Special. A long-time favorite by Alaskan guides seeking king or silver salmon.The Fat Freddy has a marabou tail and a big Glo Bug® yarn body. Super strong, super sharp, stainless steel Targus 4310 octopus hook. Size: 2/0. Colors (marabou tail/body yarn): White/Fl. Flame, Fl. Pink/Fl. Chartreuse, White/Steelhead Orange, Purple/Champagne.
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Everglow Fly (NEW Pink color added)

Everglow Fly (NEW Pink color added)

This exceptional attractor pattern is a winner for king salmon, silvers, chum, and steelhead. And, yes, it really does "glow" when activated by flashlight, sunlight, or camera strobe. This green chartreuse, yellow chartreuse, orange glow, or pink glow is highly attractive to salmon and steelhead trout even during the full daylight hours of Alaska's summer. They can see the extra energy released that our eyes cannot. A large pattern for big fish. Tied on a heavily-weighted, stainless steel Daiichi 2546 saltwater hook. Compare ours to the competition. We use true glow tubing, bucktail underwing, and glow flash-a-bou for the wing. Sizes: 1, 1/0, 2/0. Colors: Green Chartreuse, Hot Pink, Yellow Chartreuse, Orange.
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Dumbbell Lead-Eye Bunny (AKA Hareball Leech)

Dumbbell Lead-Eye Bunny (AKA Hareball Leech)

Big and heavy, this pattern gets down where the big boys are. There are times when a king will only take a dark, drab pattern, so have a couple black and purple handy for those times. Brighter patterns are the ones to try first. Be certain to have a few of these Hareball Leeches in your fly box. Heavily-weighted, lead eyes. Daiichi 2441 salmon hook. Sizes: 1/0, 2/0. Colors: Black, Hot Pink, Fuchsia, Green Chartreuse, Yellow Chartreuse, Fl. Orange, Purple.
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Dolly Llama - Sizes 2 & 1/0 (AKA Dali Llama)

Dolly Llama - Sizes 2 & 1/0 (AKA Dali Llama)

One of the hottest fly patterns in Alaska today for Rainbow, Steelhead, King, Chum, and Silver/Coho salmon. Extra heavy Alaska cone head, strong, sharp hook. The swirling, articulated action of the Dolly Llama elicits powerful strikes from salmon and trout. We use size 2 and size 1/0 Daiichi 2557 Intruder and Gamakatsu 02411 Octopus hooks because that's what you'll need for Alaska's big rainbow and salmon. The size 2 hooks have a 3/8-inch gape so they are legal on all fly-fishing-only waters. Articulation comes from the "string". We use 50 lb. SpiderWire for its strength and abrasion resistance. No one matches our quality and they won't tell you what hook they use either. Olive/White and Black/White imitate the Arctic lamprey eel, a giant rainbow favorite snack that invades coastal Alaskan rivers such as the Naknek, Alagnak, Kvichak, Nushagak, and Kenai. Generally, salmon love the bright colors and flash, but often, later in the day, only dark patterns like the black/white will elicit strikes. This is especially true of silver (coho) salmon. Use chartreuse near the salt, on the Kenai, and in gin clear rivers. Pink and Fuchsia are favorites of King, Chum, and Silvers. As for kings, the old saying is: "dark fly for a dark day, bright fly for a bright day". We suggest black/blue, black/purple, or purple/black for the dark fly and chartreuse/blue and pink/orange for the light fly. Silvers on the Kenai have been going for chartreuse/white and Tutti Frutti. Here's an idea: slip a size 6mm or 8mm bead egg on the leader and turn any Dolly Llama into an "Egg Sucker" instantly! Our size 2/0 Magnum Dolly Llama can be found on the King's Corner page. Size: 2, 1/0. Colors: Black/Blue, Fuchsia/White, Little Rainbow Trout, Pink/Orange, Purple/Black, Black/White, Chartreuse/Fl. Blue, Chartreuse/White, Olive/White, Pink/Chartreuse (aka Tutti Frutti), Pink/Purple, Pink/White, Salmon Flesh, Black/Purple (not shown).
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Cone Head Woolly Bugger, Flame, Size 2

Cone Head Woolly Bugger, Flame, Size 2

One of the best fly colors for King and Silver salmon, especially on the Kanektok (Kuskokwim region)River and Kodiak Island rivers. The cone head Woolly Bugger is Alaska fly fishing's answer to the jig. Extremely effective fly pattern. Matching colored Flashabou™ tied into tail. Size 2 is a great and inexpensive salmon pattern for those on a budget. 2x strong nymph hook. Size 2.

Cone Head Battle Creek Special

Cone Head Battle Creek Special

The perfect searching pattern, especially on fast moving streams. Front weighted like a jig and thus highly effective. Can be fished as a streamer cross current or allowed to roll on the bottom like a nymph. Highly visible pattern even under roiled water conditions. Great early season pattern for probing unfamiliar waters or excellent late season flesh/egg pattern. Good for rainbow, steelhead, char, silver, and king salmon. 2x strong Daiichi streamer hook. Sizes: 4, 2.
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Chum Candy (NEW)

Chum Candy (NEW)

Elegance meets practicality. This beautiful fly pattern is designed for king, chum, and silver salmon. Unweighted, it is ideal for the traditional, single-, and double-handed fly rod. Fish it quartering downstream and retrieve in short strips to activate the irresistible movement of the marabou over-wing. Killer pattern. Size 1/0 Daiichi 2441 salmon hook. Colors: Chartreuse Green; Hot Pink
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Bunny Popsicle Fly (NEW)

Bunny Popsicle Fly (NEW)

AKA the Bunny Pop Fly. This original fly pattern was designed by our master fly-tyer and is now copied everywhere. It has become one of the most popular salmon and steelhead flies in Alaska in just three short seasons. The Bunny Popsicle Fly has the proven colors of the very popular marabou Popsicle, but is more durable. One of the top fly color patterns for King Salmon, Silver Salmon, and Steelhead. The combination of orange, pink, and purple drives fish crazy. Strikes are not subtle, so you'll know when it's "fish on"! Just get the net ready. Heavily weighted cone head with 30 wraps of .025 lead-free wire under the body on a 2X strong Mustad Signature R74-9672 needle point hook. Size 2.
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Bead-Sucking Cone Head Leech (King)

Bead-Sucking Cone Head Leech (King)

An original pattern we developed, this is the latest twist on what is probably the most famous fly pattern used in Alaska. The cone head provides weight and jigging action to the fly. Extra weight is provided by 5 inches of .035 lead wire under the body. The color beads actually emit a phosphorescent glow when charged by a flashlight, sunlight, or camera strobe. This feature greatly increases the effectiveness of the pattern during periods of reduced visibility and high glacial silt, and the extra energy emitted is detected by salmon even in full daylight. 3.5 to 4 inch total length. One of our heaviest offerings. Tied on 2x-strong Daiichi 2220 streamer hook. Size: 2 only. Colors: Purple/Glo Pink, Black/Glo Orange, Black/Glo Green, Chartreuse/Glo Green, Fuchsia/Glo Pink, White/Glo Pink.
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Articulated Hareball Leech

Articulated Hareball Leech

Fuchsia, Pink, Candy Apple Red, and Blue/Chartreuse are some of a king salmon's favorite colors and they're one of the first colors we reach for in our fly box for King, Chum, and Silver salmon. The Articulated Hareball Leech is a big fly for big fish. It sports large lead eyes to get down fast (real important if you're after silvers and pesky Pink salmon want what you're throwing). With an underbody of crystal chenille and palmered rabbit, this salmon fly has all the pop and flash you'll need for big Kings, Chum, and Silver salmon. This pattern features a Senyo articulated shank and full metal construction so there's no string to break. Great pattern for rivers like the Kenai, Nushagak, Kanektok, Naknek, Goodnews, Alagnak, Togiak, Arolik, Karluk, Ayakulik, and Talachulitna. Gamakatsu SP11-3L3H hook. Size: 1/0.
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Alaskan Deceiver

Alaskan Deceiver

This 4-inch baitfish imitation resembles a candlefish or herring, and is effective on king and silver salmon in both salt and rivers. Tied with silver holographic Flash-a-bou for flash and topped with peacock herl. Hand painted eyes. Needle sharp stainless steel Daiichi 2546 saltwater hook. Size: 2/0. Colors: Blue/White, Green/White, Pink/White (not shown).
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